Watch videos from previous events

The events are part of the Business Record’s Fearless initiative, which is a multiplatform initiative with women-centered content, events and media designed to help women and the companies and allies who both value and support them. The elements of this brand can be simplified into one goal: We want to help empower Iowa women to succeed in work and life.

Through the Fearless Focus event series, we give you the opportunity to learn from and connect with others around the state equally as passionate about these issues. Women, gender-nonconforming individuals and male allies are all encouraged to be fearless with us. 

Those who subscribe to our weekly Fearless e-newsletter see in-depth, solutions-oriented reporting about gender and family issues. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to sign up for it (it’s free!). 

Fearless Focus: Leadership and mentorship

Oct. 3, 2024 | Noon to 1 p.m.

The role mentors play in empowering women in the workplace

Elevating more women into leadership roles is still a key priority for equity advocates. Mentorship has been seen as one solution to the barriers that women face in ascending to formal leadership positions. In this conversation we will talk about the challenges women face in becoming leaders and how mentors can help guide the next generation. Hear advice on how to find a good mentor and how to be a good mentor. Come ready to be inspired and learn tips you can apply to your own career or community involvement. 


  • Bridget Cravens-Neely, CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa
  • Monica Friedman, chief human resources officer, LCS
  • Emilia Marroquin, multicultural board member, SALUD
  • Mollie Ross, vice president of operations, Technology Association of Iowa
  • Barbara Wilson, president, University of Iowa

Fearless Focus: Child Care (June 20, 2024)

Fearless Focus: Financial empowerment (April 18, 2024)

Be more. Fear less.