Andrea Hansen, director of development, Iowa Public Radio

Several years ago, I applied for a job that was a professional growth opportunity and a leadership role. I was notified by email by a member of the search committee that I wasn’t being given a phone interview. I wrote back and asked for specific feedback on my qualifications. The person took time to give me some information and since I was still disappointed that I wasn’t able to be interviewed, I wrote again and asked to be reconsidered. I explained in more detail why I was qualified and offered suggestions on where I felt I could make an impact based on my research of the organization.
I still didn’t get the interview but I received a very encouraging response from the person telling me they were impressed by my self-advocacy and professionalism. I later learned that the position went to an internal candidate and despite the fact I didn’t get the job, I felt fearless at the moment for pursuing a career advancement opportunity in this way.