Iowa Women’s Foundation continues to address the child care crisis in Iowa

The Iowa Women’s Foundation is dedicated to combating six major barriers to women’s financial self-sufficiency — transportation, housing, child care, education and training, employment, and mentoring. A statewide tour in 2016 revealed child care to be the barrier most pressing to Iowa families. “If you don’t have child care, you can’t Read more…

Funding cuts could adversely affect services for sexual and domestic violence survivors

BY MACEY SHOFROTH, FEARLESS CONTRIBUTOR Editor’s note: “Victim” and “survivor” are both common terms used for someone who has experienced sexual assault or domestic violence, and they will be used in this article interchangeably. We recognize that folks often prefer one term over another.Sexual assault and domestic violence are pervasive issues Read more…

Plan to expand Medicaid coverage for pregnant Iowans – while tightening income threshold – advances in Legislature

A proposal to extend the duration of Medicaid coverage for pregnant Iowans has widespread support, but some activists are concerned about the state potentially lowering the income threshold to participate in the program, saying it would shut out low-wage working moms who desperately need prenatal care. Many of the people Read more…